Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Experiment - Day 7

It's day 7 of The Experiment, a 7-day stretch when my 10-year-old daughter Rebecca assigns me tasks that I must complete.

It's the final day of the experiment    OR.....IS IT???

The prospect of completing yesterday's tasks seemed tenuous at first. It was Saturday, and I'd started the day feeling pretty lackluster, so I didn't get moving until well after noon. I had also wanted to complete some chores around the house, so I was procrastinating heavily on Rebecca's tasks. By late afternoon, I hadn't done a one of them.

When Rebecca and Beth returned home around 5pm, I had no progress to report. But I was feeling better, so I was ready to at least tackle Task #2, the walk around the block. Rebecca joined me, and we even included a side jaunt to admire the vegetable garden behind the neighborhood church. The church welcomes neighbors to take produce if they wish. We didn't take any, but we were eyeing some of the eggplants, since ours didn't do so well this season.

I had decided on origami for Task #1 (create a cool craft project). Rebecca pulled out some origami books for me, but looking at all the diagrams of folds on folds on folds made me cross-eyed. I felt pretty stuck, but luckily, Rebecca offered to show me how to make an origami basket, and assured me that her helping me still satisfied the task. She whipped through the folds as I struggled to keep up! But before long, I had created a nifty little orange basket. That wasn't so difficult after all!

Rebecca asked a few times if I had completed the third task. "Did you doodle?" she inquired, "No-dle", I dejectedly replied. So out of 6 days of tasks, I missed two - not too shabby. If this redeems me a little for yesterday's missed task, I did complete an extra credit assignment I gave myself: I added a new entry to my Gratitude Journal.

Today's Tasks:
  1. Eat a lovely lunch outside while enjoying the delicacies of life. Rebecca asked what my favorite task of the week was, and I told her it was this one. She further recommended that communing more with the outdoors will benefit my health - and she's probably right! Today may remain cool and cloudy - if so, I can employ our backyard fire pit and enjoy my lunch by a crackly fire!
  2. Doodle! I'd better do it today - before I get caught up in the household chores I have yet to complete.
I've really enjoyed this week, and it has ended all too quickly. It feels like we're just getting started. So I have asked Rebecca if she is willing to extend The Experiment to a full month.

She asked, "Do you think The Experiment is helping you?", to which I replied, "You are probably in a better position than I to tell whether it is helping me or not." Beth interjected, "It does seem to keep you from focusing on your usual piles of shit." (Whoa. Blunt but accurate.) Rebecca replied that she is sensing very subtle changes in my behavior. I added that I thought the changes may become more pronounced if we continue.

Rebecca said she is willing to extend The Experiment, but was concerned she'll run out of ideas for tasks. I let her know that just as she is helping me, she is also allowed to ask for help in conjuring up new ideas for tasks. I said, "Maybe someone will give you an idea for a task, and you may not exactly like their idea, but it might spark an idea for another task you want to try." Rebecca nodded "OK!"

So onward we go - Morgan Spurlock style - committing to 30 days of this Experiment.

I'll let you know tomorrow how day 7 went!


  1. After posting a comment about Rebecca's note that you posted on facebook I found this experiment on your wall. Intriqued, I came to see what was up. I have read every day's experiment tasks and how you did on the previous day's tasks. I was delighted to read all the accounts. I think one thing that comes to mind is how precious and closer to pure spirit a child is. I think the world and rules take us further away from this as we grow. I think that Rebecca has a much greater chance of staying close to spirit than most. She is definitely a child worthy of much gratitude. And I also must say that being an artist my self I do understand where you are coming from. I have found the value in going outside to change my mood. You need only go to my blog to read my post called It's Been a Turtle Week to see how being outside changed my thinking and my focus. I'm pretty sure I'm not as busy as you but I can speak to the rewards of listening to a spirit child and nature to find a truly wonderous world of gratitude. It's apparent you have so much to be grateful for. The messages are all around you if you will only take the time to see them. Time is the key.....take time. One last note - you mention in every post how your gut hurts. I often find that illness/new diet can be a message to slo-o-o-o-o-w down enough sometimes to force you to be still....may you be blessed with stillness.

  2. The posts from this experiment have been calm and inspiring to read.... my intention is to join in from here and complete the tasks as well... sounds like a good grounding and launching point for each day. We miss you Miss Rebecca, my ever blossoming friend.

  3. Tammy, thanks for all the kind words and support. And yes, I am taking things slower.

    Peacefulshades - How exciting to read that you are also going to follow along with the tasks, too! I welcome the extra camraderie and support!


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